ALLELUIA ALANG KANG SENYOR SANTO NIÑO (New TTB Arrangement) - Rudy Villanueva Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 77 views
MAHAL NA POONG JESUS NAZARENO (POONG JESUS NAZARENO, NAMING MAHAL) - St Augustine Cathedral CDO Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 118 views
SALMO RESPONSORYO - Jesus Nazareno, Sta. Krus - St Augustine Cathedral CDO Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 97 views
WHAT CHILD IS THIS - Christmas Hymn Cover - St Augustine Cathedral CDO Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 44 views
SALVE REGINA - Cor Jesu Choir - St Augustine Cathedral CDO - SATB Arr. by Alejandro Consolacion II Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 907 views
THE OLD RUGGED CROSS - Santa Cecilia Choir of St Augustine Cathedral CDO - Exaltation of the Cross Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 263 views
RESPONSORIAL PSALM - Opening Mass for the 2024 Orientation Seminar #AbsolutelyORSEM at Xavier Ateneo Vincent Uriel Religious TV • 352 views