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Dorito Apollo
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String Quartet No.5 in C Major - Jinwoo Shin
Dorito Apollo62 views
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J.S.Bach - French Suite No.5 in G Major, BWV 816: Sarabande, Gavotte
Dorito Apollo189 views
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Symphony No. 7 in A Minor, "The Korean War", opus 38
Dorito Apollo368 views
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(String Quartet Arrangement) Prelude and Fugue No. 1, WTC: I – Johann Sebastian Bach
Dorito Apollo135 views
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W.A.Mozart - Fantasia in D Minor, (alternate ending)
Dorito Apollo193 views
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Violin Sonata No. 2 In F Major - Jinwoo Shin
Dorito Apollo64 views
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J.S.Bach - Two- and three-part inventions in F Minor, BWV 780, 795
Dorito Apollo120 views
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F.F.Chopin - Nocturne in B, opus. 62-1
Dorito Apollo420 views
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L. v. Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Orchestral Transcription
Dorito Apollo302 views
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Piano Sonatas by Dorito Apollo
PlaylistDorito Apollo74 views