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My Love, My Life - Amanda Seyfried, Lily James, Meryl Streep
anicat13K views
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피유망적시광 被遺忘的時光 - 채금 蔡琴
anicat1.2K views
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Bread And Roses (Korea sub)
anicat6.9K views
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Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics
anicat11K views
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바다의 노래 (Cancao Do Mar) - 윤희정
anicat27K views
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Slipping Through My Fingers - Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried
anicat21M views
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Honey, Honey - Amanda Seyfried
anicat15M views
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The Winner Takes It All - Meryl Streep
anicat6.8M views