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midnight cowboy - toots thielemans
rinicche1.2K views
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sempre e per sempre - francesco de gregori
rinicche832 views
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giorgio faletti - l'assurdo mestiere
rinicche1.5K views
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"perfect day" lou reed, antony hegarty and fernando saunders
rinicche1.8K views
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suzanne - peter gabriel
rinicche5.6K views
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lo stregone e il giocatore - roberto vecchioni
rinicche4.6K views
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ivano fossati - l'uomo con i capelli da ragazzo
rinicche3.3K views
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gianmaria testa - dentro la tasca di un qualunque mattino
rinicche2.2K views
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wish you were here - roger waters and eric clapton
rinicche1K views
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banane e coca cola - franco trincale
rinicche6.9K views