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Playing the main melody from my latest track
Walter83286 views
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The Road Not Taken
Walter83419 views
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Kebu - Super Troopers (Walter Remix, Contest Entry)
Walter831.6K views
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'My Road Leads into the Desert' cover | Oscilloscope visualizer
Walter831.5K views
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'Titanic - Hymn to the Sea' Synth Performance (Seaboard, OB-6)
Walter8314K views
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Roland JD-990 | Imitating sounds of Vangelis
Walter832.5K views
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Rewrite the Stars | Piano Cover
Walter83260 views
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'Over the Rainbow' Synth Performance (Eurorack, Seaboard Rise)
Walter8321K views
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'Walking In The Air' Synth Performance (Eurorack, OB-6, Seaboard Rise)
Walter8320K views
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PlaylistWalter83153 views