"Party at the Dome" by Michael Koutsiaras
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EVENT HORIZON by Michael Koutsiaras
"CHAPTER I" by Michael Koutsiaras
"Greatest Fundamentum, Intro" by Michael Koutsiaras
"Global Space-Radio Transmission" by Michael Koutsiaras
Claudio Monteverdi: "Se Nel Partir de Voi", in the spirit of jazz
REVELATION by Michael Koutsiaras
Alan Menken: "Sanctuary!" from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
John Debney: "Resurrection" from "The Passion Of The Christ"
J.B.Lully: Persée , Tragédie en musique / Act 3 [excerpt] (1770 version)
Michael Koutsiaras Original Compositions
+ Baroque Music +
Orchestral, Dramatic and Film Music
= Classical Music =