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Amanda Pike
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I'll never have that chance (SF version)
Amanda Pike145 views
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I'll never have that chance (From New York version of Lestat)
Amanda Pike2.2K views
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Probably the worst thing I have ever done...
Amanda Pike2.5K views
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Life after Life Guy LeMonnier version
Amanda Pike2.6K views
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Fresh blood Dracula the musical Tom Hewitt
Amanda Pike1.8K views
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Dracula Finale - Tom Hewitt Demo
Amanda Pike967 views
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Tom Hewitt - Life after Life Demo from Dracula the Musical (English language)
Amanda Pike2.6K views
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Sandman fan video to the song Morpheus in a Masquerade by Cain's Offering
Amanda Pike169 views
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Sandman fan video: Morpheus in a Masquerade
Amanda Pike611 views