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Cantigas de Santa Maria 〜Como pod'a Groriosa〜(Alfonso X of Castille)
Xmelody3732K views
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Gaismeņa ausa, sauleite lēce(Valts Puce)
Xmelody3734.1K views
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The Lamb (John Tavener)
Xmelody3733.9K views
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Kyrie "Missa Tertia" (Ko Matsushita)
Xmelody3738.7K views
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Geistliches Lied (Johannes Brahms)
Xmelody3733.9K views
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For the beauty of the Earth(John Rutter)
Xmelody37328K views
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O magnum mysterium(Morten Lauridsen)
Xmelody37332K views
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O sacrum convivium(Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Xmelody3736.4K views
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Sanctus-Benedictus-Agnus Dei (20120128 TAKE2 by scatola di voce )
Xmelody373258 views
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Sanctus-Benedictus-Agnus Dei (20120128 TAKE1 by scatola di voce )
Xmelody373126 views
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scatola di voce 2nd concert "honest"
PlaylistXmelody373133 views
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scatola di voce 教会コンサート2014 @同仁キリスト教会
PlaylistXmelody373228 views