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Mary Springfels
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Telemann: Solo Works: Fantasias: Sonata
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Purcell: Sweeter Than Roses: Songs
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With Charming Notes (Purcell & Blow: Songs and Instrumental Music)
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Bach: Flute Sonatas, Vol. 1
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Bach: Flute Sonatas, Vol. 2
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Stradella: Cantatas
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¡Ay Amor! Spanish 17th Century Songs & Theatre Music
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Wanderers' Voices: Medieval Cantigas & Minnesang
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Cornago: Missa de la mapa mundi - Secular Music of 15th Century Spain
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Musick For Severall Friends: 17th Century English Theatre Music
Videos See All
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Nunca fue pena maior. María Cristina Kiehr & Ariel Abramovich.
Ariel Abramovich44K views
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Juan Hidalgo - Noble en Tinacria naciste
sh4m6917K views
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Purcell: Z 574/17. Oh! lead me to some peaceful gloom (Bonduca) - Brandes (McGegan)
PurcellsWorks24K views
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"in darkness let me dwell" by John Dowland
Ellen Hargis119K views
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Tobias Hume - What greater grief | Iris Bouman & Chun Yuan Yang
Iris Bouman1.6K views
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Juan de Urrede "Nunca fue pena mayor"
sh4m6910K views
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Juan Hidalgo - Trompicábalas amor
sh4m6911K views
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Purcell: Z 196. The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation - Brandes (McGegan)
PurcellsWorks28K views
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Purcell: Z 192. Lord, what is man - Brandes (McGegan)
PurcellsWorks21K views
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Giovanni Gabrieli, Sonata XXI con tre violini, with Bruce Dickey, Kiri Tollaksen, Alex Opsahl
Quill Classics3.8K views