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Ben Goldscheider
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Ben Goldscheider and Phil Dawson - Horn and Electronics Recital
Ben Goldscheider206 views
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Alex Groves, Single Form (Dawn) for horn and live electronics (Ben Goldscheider)
Ben Goldscheider75 views
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Zoe Martlew, Nibiru for horn and live electronics (Ben Goldscheider)
Ben Goldscheider123 views
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Mark Simpson, Darkness Moves II for horn and live electronics (Ben Goldscheider)
Ben Goldscheider352 views
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Mark Simpson, Nachtstück for Horn and Piano (Ben Goldscheider and Richard Uttley)
Ben Goldscheider653 views
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Rachmaninov, Cello Sonata in g minor op.19 iii) Andante arr. Ben Goldscheider
Ben Goldscheider1.9K views