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Doug Perry
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Shevat, the Wind Is Calling (from "Xenogears") (Percussion Version) (feat. Wilbert Roget, II)
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Undertale - Hopes and Dreams (rock arrangement)
Doug Perry242K views
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Undertale Variations - for solo marimba
Doug Perry360K views
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Joseph Schwantner - Velocities
Doug Perry215K views
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Shevat, the Wind Is Calling (from "Xenogears") (Percussion Version) (feat. Wilbert Roget, II)
Doug Perry35K views
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Thieves of Fate (Days of Summer) - (Radical Dreamers: Thieves of Fate)
SpanishFly12026K views
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Super Metroid - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" remix - "Lonely Petals"
Doug Perry7.9K views
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Undertale - Another Medium (Funk Cover)
Doug Perry42K views
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"Holding Hands" - Vocal Lyric Arrangement of Desert Wasteland from Final Fantasy VII
Doug Perry1.5K views
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Undertale - JAZZGORE (ASGORE Vibraphone and Piano Jazz)
Doug Perry34K views
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Undertale - Waterfall (percussion arrangement)
Doug Perry11K views