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Crawford Gates: Symphony No. 2, Music from the hill Cumorah Pageant (1957)
robt007130 views
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Adolf Reichel: Symphony No. 2 in C major (1869)
robt007461 views
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Peter Benoit: Kinderkantate "De wæreld in! "(1878)
robt007833 views
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Peter Benoit: Kantate, "Theodoor van Rijswijck" (1884)
robt007637 views
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Carl Nielsen - Nearer, My God, to Thee - paraphrase for wind orchestra FS 63 (1912)
robt0071.4K views
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Scott Joplin: Four Piano Selections from "Treemonisha"
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Scott Joplin: Highlights form the Opera "Treemonisha"
robt007612 views
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Josef Strauss: Harlekin polka, Polka schnell, Op 48
robt007374 views
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George Frederic Handel: Concerto for Oboe No 3 in g minor
robt007162 views
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George Frederic Handel: Double Concerto No 27 in B flat major
robt007237 views