FOR ALL THE SAINTS Improvisation Hector Olivera - Basiliek Raalte NL Live July 25 2022
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CHORAL No. 1 in E MAJOR, Franck - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
IMPROVISATION on TWO THEMES - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
LIBERTANGO, Piazzolla - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
PASSACAGLIA and FUGUE in C MINOR, Bach - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
TRUMPET TUNE, AIR and VOLUNTARY, Clarke / Purcell - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
YE SWEET RETREAT, Boyce - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
GIGA, Bossi - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
NIGHT SONG, Elmore - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
PRIÈRE Op. 37, No. 3, Jongen - Hector Olivera (Christ Cathedral)
Maestro Hector Olivera
HECTOR on other YouTube Channels!
Rededication of the Hazel Wright Organ at Christ Cathedral