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Alvin Lucier, Silver Streetcar for the Orchestra with Matthias Kaul
matthiaskaul175 views
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Resonanzen/ Resonances Ein Ereignis / a phenomenon Ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART
matthiaskaul383 views
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Matthias Kaul Do nothing, just wait, the singing will start.Long guitar version
matthiaskaul156 views
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Matthias Kaul,Do nothing, just wait, the singing will start.... sooner or later / Guitar version
matthiaskaul144 views
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Matthias Kaul The Mellow Quark ( The trio nyt)
matthiaskaul132 views
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Matthias Kaul ; Jean, Jaco and Maurice
matthiaskaul210 views
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Matthias Kaul Weird-Wired, guitar duo
matthiaskaul207 views
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Matthias Kaul, White Noise’n Colours für Bassflöte mit Talkbox
matthiaskaul273 views
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Interpretationen von Stücken von Matthias Kaul
Playlistmatthiaskaul8 views