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A Million Dreams - a tribute to Jade Harley
Blaperile324 views
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I Will Go Sailing No More - a tribute to Grandpa
Blaperile296 views
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Strong - a tribute to Kanaya Maryam
Blaperile328 views
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Poor Unfortunate Souls - a tribute to The Condesce and Meenah Peixes
Blaperile3.3K views
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Superstar - a tribute to Dirk Strider
Blaperile704 views
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Fireflies - a tribute to Serenity & George Buzinkai
Blaperile251 views
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Strange Things - a tribute to Karkat Vantas
Blaperile657 views
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I Want to Break Free - a tribute to Tavros Nitram
Blaperile1.6K views
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I'm Looking Out For Me - a tribute to Aranea Serket
Blaperile1.8K views
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Rhythm Inside - a tribute to Davesprite
Blaperile382 views
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Homestuck Character Tributes
PlaylistBlaperile441 views