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Miss Mitchell (Ballo Duet) in Rome with Luis Lima
HU1914321 views
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Leona's "In Questa Reggia" and Riddle Scene from Turandot
HU19141.5K views
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Leona as a "Powerful" Turandot in Last Duet
HU1914561 views
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Leona sings, Con que la lavare by Rodrigo 11/2011
HU1914337 views
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Leona Mitchell "O Patria Mia"
HU19141.1K views
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Leona Mitchell sings Salce, Ave Maria (2011)
HU19147.6K views
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Je Te Veux sung by Leona Mitchell 11/2011
HU1914517 views
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Listen to Miss Mitchell sing,"C'est L'Extase" 2011
HU1914135 views
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Leona sings Dvorak's "Song to the Moon" 11/2011
HU19141.2K views
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Wow!! Leona Mitchell sings a great Marietta's Lied 11/2011
HU19147.4K views
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We are the World
PlaylistHU19141 view