Mahmood Hassan Kerori 78 rpm Kurdish
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Likes likker better than me by the Woodie Brothers 78 rpm oldtime country
Bennie Nawahi If I had a Talking Picture of you Radiex 4291 78 rpm
King Bennie Nawahi QRS Q- 1041 Song Of the Island 78 rpm
Lionel Belasco Manzanilla piano solo 78 rpm
Lionel Balasco Piano solo Port of Spain Carnival Melotone 12801 78 rpm
Four Hawaiian Duces Should I Bennie Nawahi Van dyke 78 rpm
Slim Smith Crown 3118 78 rpm Bennie Nawahi'
Denson Quartet Sacred Soar Away Harp singing 78 rpm Denson 503
Moola Abdul Saheb Eho Nareeh Ya Bnayeh HMV 10006 Iraq 78 rpm