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Manuel Bastian
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BEHRINGER OCTAVIA❗️#behringeroctavia #fenderstratocaster #marshalljtm50 #bluguitaramp1 @behringer
Manuel Bastian195 views
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🔈 MXR ROCKMAN X100 EDGE ((STEREO)) - "Evelyne" Solo (Andy Lübbert) 💙
Manuel Bastian879 views
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🔈 MXR ROCKMAN X100 CLN 2 ((STEREO)) - "I'm Buzzed" (Michael Landau Cover) 💙
Manuel Bastian2.9K views
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1965 Hammond M100 im Originalzustand zu verkaufen in Kleinanzeigen
Manuel Bastian3.7K views
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🧛🏻‍♂️ Bullet with Butterfly Wings (Smashing Pumpkins Cover) - Manuel Bastian 😈
Manuel Bastian448 views
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🔈 Highway Star (Deep Purple Cover) with 1966 Strat and BluGuitar Amp 1 & 1Control feat. GROPERK 🎸
Manuel Bastian2K views
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Groperk - Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple Cover) - First try with BluGuitar 1Control
Manuel Bastian990 views
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Small Time Blues (Pete Droge Cover) - First Try with Neumann CMV563 & M55K
Manuel Bastian248 views
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Alone (Written by My Late Beloved Cousin James A. Trent)
Manuel Bastian384 views
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Guitar Solos in Tick Tack by Pasi der Pogo (Gamble Rockfire Standard & Marshall JTM50)
Manuel Bastian688 views