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George 1010th
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Judee Sill - Jesus Was A Cross Maker - 1971 (Radio version)
George 1010th263 views
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G.F. Handel - Messiah - 12-1 - For unto us a Child is born - Stephen Cleobury
George 1010th336 views
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Andy Williams - Mary's Little Boy Child (Christmas song)
George 1010th144 views
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G.F. Händel - Messiah - 4-1 - And the glory, the glory of the Lord - Stephen Cleobury
George 1010th369 views
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Bela Fleck - Banjo - Bach's Christmas Oratorio - BVW 248 # 41 - Ich will nur zu Ehren leben
George 1010th123 views
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G.F. Handel - Messiah - 7-1 - And He shall purify - Stephen Cleobury
George 1010th151 views
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J.S. Bach - Concerto & Alleluja, BWV 142 Uns ist ein Kind geboren - transcr. for Brass & Organ
George 1010th188 views
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Domenico Scarlatti - K 87 - Sonata in B minor - Andreas Staier
George 1010th272 views
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Felix Mendelssohn - Op. 113 - Concertpiece in F II - Andante & Presto
George 1010th921 views
Playlists See All
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Classical Christmas Favorits & Essentials
PlaylistGeorge 1010th1K views
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Classical Favorits & Essentials
PlaylistGeorge 1010th576 views
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Crooners & Iconic Songs
PlaylistGeorge 1010th1.9K views
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J.S. Bach Favorits & Essentials
PlaylistGeorge 1010th847 views
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Mozart Favorits & Essentials
PlaylistGeorge 1010th995 views
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Vivaldi Favorits & Essentials
PlaylistGeorge 1010th3.5K views
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Nederlands & Nederlandstalig
PlaylistGeorge 1010th2K views
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Dayflies & Earworms; Dutch popsongs from 60/70/80
PlaylistGeorge 1010th1.7K views
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Mikhail Pletnev Highlights
PlaylistGeorge 1010th281 views