Dmitri Shostakovich, Cello sonata Op. 40 (1934), 3rd movement | Nadège Rochat, cello
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Dmitri Shostakovich, Cello sonata Op. 40 (1934), 2nd movement | Nadège Rochat, cello
Dmitri Shostakovich, Cello sonata Op. 40 (1934), 1st movement | Nadège Rochat, cello
J. S. Bach, Suite for cello solo No. 1|Nadège Rochat
"Mirror"|Nadège Rochat, cello|Anthony Romaniuk, piano and harpsichord|
Raffaele Bellafronte, Suite No. 1 for cello and guitar | Nadège Rochat and Rafael Aguirre
Gabriel Fauré, Élégie Op. 24 (1880)|Nadège Rochat, cello
Popper Elfentanz, Dance of the elves | Nadège Rochat, cello
BBC Concert Orchestra and cellist Nadège Rochat record "Psalm", by Ina Boyle
Elgar concerto (Live) for cello and symphony orchestra, Nadège Rochat
Cello and orchestra, Elgar Concerto, Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations, Ina Boyle Psalm
Spanish music for cello and guitar