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7 - I live to learn what music is, and I die trying to understand it.
Prod.Emiefi4 views
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6 - It's strange to believe that in the future there will be no more love. See you in 2077
Prod.Emiefi4 views
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5 - Faith is not about understanding everything, but about trusting even when we don't understand.
Prod.Emiefi2 views
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4 - I still miss you, but I'm trying to improve. I've never come so close to self-forgetfulness
Prod.Emiefi6 views
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3 - I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. life is incredible
Prod.Emiefi3 views
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2 - Everyone dies alone. (interlude)
Prod.Emiefi7 views
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1 - Close your eyes please (introduction)
Prod.Emiefi2 views
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Days Before Being Alone - Full Ep (Prod.Emiefi)
Prod.Emiefi8 views
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5 - Are you prepared for this experiencie? (Oficial Áudio)
Prod.Emiefi10 views
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4 - Aokigahara (Ft.Luke James) [Oficial Áudio]
Prod.Emiefi33 views
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Days Before Being Alone
PlaylistProd.Emiefi11 views