1 Messiah, Part 2: Hallelujah! (chorus) Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Elizabeth Watts, Mark Le Brocq & James Oldfield
2 Messiah, Part 3: Since by man came death (chorus) Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Elizabeth Watts, Mark Le Brocq & James Oldfield
3 Messiah, Part 1: And He shall purify (chorus) Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Elizabeth Watts, Mark Le Brocq & James Oldfield
4 Messiah, Part 2: Behold the Lamb of God (chorus) Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Elizabeth Watts, Mark Le Brocq & James Oldfield
5 Messiah, Part 1: Thus saith the Lord (bass) Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Elizabeth Watts, Mark Le Brocq & James Oldfield
Georg Friedrich Haendel - Messiah: 'Hallelujah' (Trevor Pinnock; The English Concert) AlphaOrionis • 11K views