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Lotok Pitó-Dalo
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18. O Christ, who art the Light and Day - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo14K views
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24 Your Arms are Full of Flowers - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo7.7K views
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23 In faith 'neath the Sky - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo5.9K views
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22 How Great Thou Art - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo7.1K views
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21 Many are the Lightbeams - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo10K views
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20 Spread Your Wings Over Me - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo8.9K views
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19 Hope Gives Rest to my Redeemed Soul - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo5.4K views
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17 My Soul, You Must Now Forget - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo5K views
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16 Just One Day, One Moment at a Time - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo7.1K views
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15 O, Jesus Mine, what Wrong Have You Done - Now the Green Blade Riseth (1981)
Lotok Pitó-Dalo5.4K views