"Sámemátto Lávla" - National Anthem of Sápmi (Lule Sami)
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"Vårt land" - National Anthem of Finland (Alternative Version)
"Pobudka Krakusów" - Kościuszko Uprising Song
"Saksan keisari Wilhelmi" - Finnish White Guard Song About Kaiser Wilhelm II
"Giovinezza" - Anthem of the National Fascist Party (Swedish Version)
"Going forth carrying a weapon" - Egyptian War Song (رايحين في اي لين على الي منا سلاح)
"Weißgardisten vom Kuban" - German Freikorps Song about the Russian White Army
"Suomen Kaartin Paluulaulu" - Finnish Guard Song (Kauan on Kärsitty)
"Godnattvalsen" - Auld Lang Syne in Swedish
"March on!" - Anthem of the Sentinels of Empire