GOTTA TELL EM ON THE MOUNTAIN!! [Mountain by Genardyn (feat. Walker Rhett)] Hanzo Hasashi • 11 views
I was just trying to drive, but then they wanted to talk that trash. Take your Best Shot at my SVJ 😎 Hanzo Hasashi • 27 views
Scorpion will Let. It. Burn 🔥🔥🔥 (Let It Burn by Genardyn and Ruth Simard) Hanzo Hasashi • 496 views
I'm feeling..... Dangerous... (Feeling Dangerous by City Wolf, Frank Bentley, and Hollywood Black) Hanzo Hasashi • 1.2K views
You didn't think that I'd come back to life... stronger! (Stronger by The Score) Hanzo Hasashi • 630 views
I AM LEGENDARY!!! (Legendary by City Wolf, Rachel Lorin, Hollywood Black, and Futuristic.) Hanzo Hasashi • 55 views
I'LL RUN TO YOUR RESCUE!!! (Rescue by Tommee Profitt, Raine Wilder, and SVRCINA) Hanzo Hasashi • 18 views