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Adishatz("Agur") | Agur kantu biarnesa
Pyrenaea139 views
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Abenduaren zazpian ("In December 7") | Basque contrabandists' song
Pyrenaea190 views
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Mountains of Guipúzcoa | Basque-Spanish patriotic song
Pyrenaea209 views
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Xorieri mintzo zen ("He spoke to birds") | Basque folk song
Pyrenaea694 views
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Xorieri mintzo zen («Hablaba con los pájaros») | Canción folclórica vasca
Pyrenaea526 views
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Euskal Herriko semeak gera ("We are the sons of the Basque Country") | Basque unofficial anthem
Pyrenaea459 views
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Gure sor leküa ("Our homeland") | Basque patriotic song
Pyrenaea338 views
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Mutil koskor bat | Basque folk song
Pyrenaea523 views
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Pilota partida bat ("A pelota match") | Basque folk song
Pyrenaea507 views
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Mirando el mapa lloró ("Looking at the map he cried") | Navarrese patriotic song
Pyrenaea450 views
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PlaylistPyrenaea187 views