It Makes Me Scream (Live) - Meena Cryle, The Chris Fillmore Band / Synthesis Tube ROMA 117DC,98DC SE Jh studio • 36 views
No. 5 in A Minor. Agitato - Maria Duenñas / Synthesis / ROMA 117 DC / ROMA 98 DC SE TEST Jh studio • 38 views
나는 반딧불 - 황가람 / Synthesis ROMA 117 DC + ROMA 98 DC SE + Acoustic Energy Reference 3 Jh studio • 94 views
Hotel Califomia - Yao Si Ting / Synthesis ROMA 98DC SE 진공관 모노 파워앰프 + ROMA 117DC 진공관 프리앰프 TEST Jh studio • 68 views
Once Upon a Time in the West(From "Once Upon a Time in the West") - Ennio Morricone Jh studio • 118 views
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (From "The Good, the and the Ugly") - Ennio Morricone Jh studio • 87 views
Imperial March (From "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back") - Wiener Philharmoniker, John Williams Jh studio • 72 views