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"Αμμόχωστος (Χώμα που περπάτησα)" - Greek Cypriot song about the occupation of Famagusta
Abitous881 views
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"Γυναικες Ηπειρωτισσες" - Greek Patriotic Song (Epirot Women)
Abitous4.2K views
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"Маршируют полки" - Russian White émigré Song (Regiments are Marching)
Abitous30K views
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"Прощание славянки" - Russian Patriotic Song (Farewell of Slavianka)
Abitous2.3K views
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"Καλημέρα ήλιε" - PASOK Anthem (Goodmorning sun)
Abitous9.2K views
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"La Marcha Real" - Spanish National Anthem (Royal March)
Abitous2.4K views
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"Εμπρός η ΕΟΚΑ κράζει - Ο ύμνος της ΕΟΚΑ" - Greek Cypriot Patriotic Song (Go forth, EOKA calls)
Abitous6.5K views
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"Γιοί των Αετών" - Greek Air Force Song (Sons of Eagles)
Abitous9.5K views
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"Μαλαματένια Λόγια" - Greek Anti-Junta Song (Gilded Words - Malamatenia Logia)
Abitous8.3K views
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"Γύρνα Ξανά" - Greek Monarchist Song (Come back again)
Abitous4K views
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Greek Revolutionary Songs to get my morning started
PlaylistAbitous949 views