1 S.S. Wesley: Christ Is Our Cornerstone (Harewood) Wells Cathedral Choir, Rupert Gough, Malcolm Archer, and Samuel Sebastian Wesley
2 S.S. Wesley: O Lord, My God Donald Hunt, Adrian Partington, Worcester Cathedral Choir & Samuel Sebastian Wesley
3 S.S. Wesley: O Thou Who Camest from Above (Hereford) The Choir of Westminster Abbey, Robert Quinney, James O'Donnell & Samuel Sebastian Wesley
4 S.S. Wesley: Ascribe unto the Lord: IV. The Lord Hath Been Mindful of Us Worcester Cathedral Choir, Donald Hunt, Adrian Partington & Samuel Sebastian Wesley
5 S.S. Wesley: Praise the Lord, My Soul: III. Lead Me, Lord, in Thy Righteousness Adrian Partington, Donald Hunt, Worcester Cathedral Choir & Samuel Sebastian Wesley