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Dissimilis - "Det er fredag, min venn" av Herman Flesvig, for Herman (Live på "A-laget", NRK TV)
pellefrank51K views
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Dissimilis - O (Fly On) av Coldplay, for Jonas Gahr Støre (Live på "A-laget", NRK TV)
pellefrank5.1K views
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Focus 12 - For Bert (Live)
pellefrank53 views
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Focus 12 - Let Thy Wish (bonus track on Japanese release)
pellefrank65 views
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The Beatles: "And the band begins to play" (Yellow Submarine) 'Le Reve Passé' (1906)
pellefrank1.1K views
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Wednesday, "I'll dance with my hands" scene (corrected) READ DESCTIPTION
pellefrank11K views
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Classic Sesame Street - "A song from Kermit"
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Brødrene Dal og Spektralsteinene - den skumle avslutning-fanfaren
pellefrank1.8K views
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Focus: "Focus 12" (2024)
Playlistpellefrank12 views
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Beat for Beat
Playlistpellefrank147 views
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The Swedish Chef
Playlistpellefrank377 views
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Mr. Bungle på Norsk......nesten, på en måte
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Backwards Music
Playlistpellefrank162 views
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The Focus songs mentioned in "European Rhapsody" by Focus
Playlistpellefrank249 views
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Orginal & HQ
Playlistpellefrank164 views