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캐슬린 김 "I am the wife of Mao Tse-tung" / J. Adams : Nixon in China (닉슨 인 차이나)
thegreatestdiva345 views
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캐슬린 김 "Saper vorreste" / G. Verdi : Un ballo in maschera (베르디, 가면무도회) Kathleen Kim
thegreatestdiva215 views
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캐슬린 김 "Volta la terrea" / G. Verdi : Un ballo in maschera (베르디, 가면무도회) Kathleen Kim
thegreatestdiva302 views
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소프라노 박현주 "Casta Diva" / V. Bellini : Norma (노르마)
thegreatestdiva267 views
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소프라노 박현주 - 첫사랑 (김효근 곡)
thegreatestdiva224 views
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소프라노 임세경 "Pace, pace mio Dio" / G. Verdi : La forza del destino (베르디, 운명의 힘)
thegreatestdiva1.3K views
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소프라노 임세경 "Un bel di vedremo" / G. Puccini : Madama Butterfly (푸치니, 나비부인)
thegreatestdiva5.2K views
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소프라노 박현주 "Si, mi chiamano Mimi" / G. Puccini : La boheme (푸치니, 라 보엠)
thegreatestdiva643 views
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소프라노 임세경 "Ben io t'invenni... Anch'io dischiuso un giorno" / G. Verdi : Nabucco (베르디, 나부코)
thegreatestdiva639 views
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Sop. 박현주, Bar. 김진추 "Donna, chi sei?" / G. Verdi : Nabucco (베르디, 나부코)
thegreatestdiva443 views